Sydney Gateway - Stage 1 & 3

An image of the Sydney Gateway project

Project description

Sydney Gateway is a critical element of the NSW Government’s long-term strategy to invest in an integrated transport network and make journeys easier, safer and faster. By 2036, the Project would provide capacity for an additional 60,000 vehicles per day.

Sydney Airport and Port Botany are among the busiest and most important air and sea freight terminals in Australia. Sydney Airport caters for around 40 per cent of Australia’s international passenger movements, 46 per cent of domestic/ regional passenger movements and 50 per cent of air freight. Port Botany handles 99 per cent of NSW’s container demand, moving more than 6,000 containers on average every day. Providing direct connections between the Sydney motorway network, Sydney Airport and Port Botany will help separate airport and freight traffic from local traffic in Mascot. Additionally, the high volumes of through traffic in Mascot will be alleviated.

Capex Value
Approx $2.6 billion
John Holland Group Seymour Whyte JV
Environment & Sustainability management
2021 to 2024
I am pleased to provide an endorsement for ARCH's work on Sydney Gateway Stages 1 & 3, a complex major infrastructure project which showcases an exceptional commitment to sustainability. ARCH's team demonstrated extensive knowledge and understanding of sustainability risks and opportunities and ensured that they were appropriately tracked and recognised within the project. Arch also facilitated comprehensive training to upskill the internal project team, giving them the skills to deliver future projects.

ARCH's input and dedication enabled effective implementation and recognition of the significant effort to deliver sustainable outcomes across the project. Driving active recognition for the integration of community and Aboriginal artworks throughout the project, an Australian first innovative pavement design tool and implementation of transport links and the emphasis on reducing embodied carbon emissions demonstrate the Project's dedication to a greener future and a thriving, interconnected community.Thank you to the entire team for their
commitment and dedication.

Thank you to the entire team for their
commitment and dedication.

Alex Major
Environment, Sustainability and Approvals Manager


Services description and value provided by ARCH

ARCH worked with the project team throughout the construction phases of the project delivering Sustainability Management services. Our core work has been the management of the ISC 1.2 rating scheme from Design round 1 through to completion where we led the team across multiple credits and categories and internal training to upskill project internal resources. These included sustainable procurement, management, climate change, urban design, ecology, heritage, legacy, stakeholder engagement and resource efficiency.

ARCH worked with the project team and external specialists to:

  • Manage and deliver the project Sustainability Management Plan in accordance with ISC v1.2 and client requirements;
  • Facilitate ongoing identification of sustainability risks and opportunities;
  • Manage implementation of climate related risk mitigation measures into operational plans and document inclusion of all design related measures;
  • Develop resource tracking systems to manage energy, water, waste, materials and overarching sustainability requirements data;
  • Facilitate As Built resource modelling with modelling SMEs;
  • Integrate with the design, construction and quality teams to identify and document existing and additional resource efficiency strategies;
  • Review Heritage SME reporting in line with IS credit criteria;
  • Develop and implement urban design monitoring programme aligned to the IS credit criteria;
  • Investigate Legacy initiatives and develop monitoring strategies to indicate efficacy in line with IS legacy criteria;
  • Stakeholder engagement interface, arrange and review annual
  • Developed and delivered comprehensive IS aligned training to the project team;
  • Interface with project client and IS representatives throughout project delivery; and
  • Develop all Credit Summary Forms (CSFs) in preparation for ISC verification from design round 2 to completion.

Benefits delivered by ARCH

  • ARCH led the team to establish and drive the v1.2 requirements on the project to meet the contractual targets set be TfNSW;
  • ARCH implemented targeted and comprehensive training 
to equip the team with the tools to deliver future projects;
  • Direct interface with the project client to ensure targets 
were on track and reporting obligations were being met;
  • ARCH delivered a substantial improvement in IS design rating score and sustained implementation of sustainable outcomes through to completion;
  • ARCH identified key challenges and developed materials, management plans, tracking tools to meet the needs of the ISC v1.2 tool;
  • ARCH worked with the resource modelling team establish 
and justify resource reduction initiatives; and
  • Worked collaboratively with the project teams and client TfNSW to ensure positive outcomes for the project and community.

For more information,
contact the Project Lead:

Rosie Dutton