SCAW - Surface Civil Alignment Works

Project description

The Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport (SMWSA) Project involves the construction and operation of a new 23km metro rail line that extends from the existing Sydney Trains suburban T1 western line (at St Marys) in the north to the Aerotropolis (at Bringelly) in the south.

The alignment includes a combination of tunnels and civil structures, including viaducts, bridges, and surface and open-cut troughs between the two tunnel sections. The Project also includes six new metro stations, a stabling and maintenance facility and an operational control centre at Orchard Hills.

The SCAW package successfully won by the CPB & United Infrastructure JV (CPBUI JV) was the second major contract package to be procured for the SMWSA Project. The successful and timely completion of the SCAW package was critical to the subsequent construction activities and ultimate completion of the entire Project.

The scope for the SCAW project included approximately 10.6km of alignment up to the underside of track formation from Orchard Hills to the Western Sydney airport.

The work included approximately:

  • 3.6km of viaduct bridge
  • 205m of Supertee bridges
  • 6.9km of at-grade alignment
  • Earthworks to the Stabling Facility
  • Cross and surface drainage
  • Temporary access roads
  • Utility design and construct augmentation from third parties
Capex Value
Approx $539 million
CPB & United Infrastructure JV
Systems Engineering & Safety Assurance
2022 to 2025
The ARCH team brought invaluable expertise in systemassurance, guiding the project successfully through all the Network AssuranceCommittee processes. Their professionalism and dedication were evident at everystage, making them a crucial asset to the project's success.

Luke Xu
Design andEngineering Manager


Services description and value provided by ARCH

ARCH Artifex worked within the CPBUI JV EngineeringManagement team, leading SESA activities from Project Planning, DetailedDesign, Construction, Testing & Commissioning to Handover of the project.

ARCH Artifex provided resources to manage the D&C JV SESA Management Scope, including:

  • Drafting all SESA Management Plans for the project, including SEMP, SSAP, A&GP.
  • Leading all Working Groups, both external andinternal, including Sydney Metro Assurance Working Group, ISA Meetings, andinternal Design JV Assurance Working Group.
  • Creation of Network Approval (NAC) strategy and packaging.
  • Leading the NAC (Network Assurance Committee) approvals process including submission of all NAS documentation and presenting at all NAC hearings, resulting in consistent successful approvals (100% pass rate).
  • Management of Project Safety Hazard Log and lead interface with the Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) resulting in consistent and successful ISA Letters of Endorsements.
  • Management of all Requirements, including Particular Specifications, General Specifications, Interface Requirements, Third Party Contractor Requirements, Sustainability Requirements, Security Requirements and Human Factors.
  • Drafting of RAM approval statements (Design Life, Durability and Maintainability and HF Analysis).
  • Representing CPB at Project Audits in relation to SESA.
  • Management, Review and Integration of all TAO Design Consultants Assurance deliverables.
  • SESA Integration and assistance with any non-TAO Design Consultants (e.g., Tony Gee and Partners).

Benefits delivered by ARCH

  • ARCH led theSESA activities on behalf of the CPBUI JV establishing and maintaining a positive relationship with the Sydney Metro Client and Independent Safety Assessor.
  • ARCH implemented and maintained the Relatics collaborative systems engineering database / information model which captured Requirements Management, Safety Assurance, Human Factors integration and ADCs and ensured improved collaboration across the team and reduced comments from Sydney Metro stakeholders.
  • ARCH led internal meetings and working groups with the Design consultants ensuring allSESA deliverables verification were on track and reporting obligations were met.
  • ARCH led the design and handover NAC (Network Assurance Committee) approvals process including submission of all NAS documentation and presenting at all NAC hearings, resulting in consistent successful approvals (100% pass rate).
  • ARCH managed to achieve approval of all assurance deliverables required to support the accelerated program.
  • ARCH managed to achieve Zero ISA or SM Audit findings across the project.

For more information,
contact the Project Lead:

Tharan Karunalayan